Applications and Electrical Cell-Signalling protocols have been subjected to clinical trials. The results have been published in numerous academic, scientific, and medical publications and literature. The technologies efficacy is amply demonstrated by these published results and is reinforced anecdotally, through the testimonials of thousands of patients.
Safe, effective, non-invasive and user-friendly treatment
Minimal potential for side effects, easily avoided
Extremely high patient compliance, outcome and satisfaction
Substantial reduction in out-bound patient referrals
Management and symptomatic relief of chronic long-term (intractable) pain
Adjunctive treatment of post-traumatic pain syndromes
Adjunctive treatment in the management of post-surgical pain conditions
Relaxation of muscle spasms
Neuro-muscular reeducation
Prevention or retardation of disuse atrophy
Maintaining or increasing range of motion
Increasing local circulation
Immediate post-surgical stimulation of calf muscles to prevent phlebothrombosis